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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 229-432

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An Operator Residue Theorem with Applications to Branching Processes and Renewal Type Integral Equations

Alan Schumitzky and Tom Wenska

pp. 229-235

Bounded Solutions of Nonlinear Differential Equations with Parameters

Stephen Bancroft and Thomas G. Hallam

pp. 236-241

An Explicit Calculation of Some Sets of Minimal Capacity

E. G. Grassmann and J. Rokne

pp. 242-249

Note on Orthogonal Polynomials in $v$-Variables

M. Bertran

pp. 250-257

A Simplification of the Schwarz–Christoffel Formula for Symmetric Quadrilateral Transformation

O. F. Hughes

pp. 258-261

Sampling Expansions with Derivatives for Finite Hankel and Other Transforms

Abdul J. Jerri and Dale W. Kreisler

pp. 262-267

On the Stability of a Periodic Solution of a Differential Delay Equation

James L. Kaplan and James A. Yorke

pp. 268-282

The Approximation of Certain Parabolic Equations Backward in Time by Sobolev Equations

Richard E. Ewing

pp. 283-294

Algebraic Method for Solving Linear Differential Equations Whose Coefficients are Functions of One Variable

Vasilach Serge

pp. 295-311

On a Nonlinear Integral Equation for Population Growth Problems

Fred Brauer

pp. 312-317

Integrals of Products of Laguerre Polynomials

J. Gillis

pp. 318-339

On the Separation of Variables for the Laplace Equation $\Delta \psi + K^2 \psi = 0$ in Two- and Three-Dimensional Minkowski Space

E. Kalnins

pp. 340-374

The Periodic Part of the Response to a Periodic Excitation

Gregers L. Krabbe

pp. 375-403

Variational Methods and Quadratic Functional Inequalities

William T. Reid

pp. 404-416

An Integral Equation Formulation of a Mixed Boundary Value Problem on a Sphere

H. L. Johnson

pp. 417-426

On Schwartz's Hankel Transformation of Certain Spaces of Distributions

Will Y. Lee

pp. 427-432